The Accessibility and Importance of Refugee Ministries

Imagine, for a moment, being torn from your home, all you know and love, and sent to a new, unknown location. Sure, you could have stayed, but doing so may have brought more devastation. Now you cling desperately to the hope that you’ve made the right decision. You don’t know if you’ll see your home, your family, again. In fact, you have no idea what your future holds.

One of the most accessible ways of serving in Europe is with refugees. Over the years, millions of people have been displaced due to war, famine, or dreadful living conditions. These people long for refuge and new life in Europe. As God’s hands and feet, we have the opportunity and privilege of showing our neighbours God’s love in practical ways.

There’s an unfortunate stigma surrounding refugees, though, with society often viewing them as a problem. “Because refugees often arrive lacking basic necessities, many assume they are uneducated people who are accustomed to sleeping on the street and begging for food… this is rarely the case!” Rachel Carlson, a global worker who serves refugees in Greece, says. “Most refugees have left living standards on par with most of us —highly educated with businesses, cars, cell phones, and kids in school before suddenly losing their entire network of life, relationships, and stability.”

“He ensures that orphans and widows receive justice. He shows love to the foreigners living among you and gives them food and clothing. So you, too, must show love to foreigners…”

Deuteronomy 10:18-19 (NLT)

Working with an integration and refugee program offered by a Greek Church, Rachel shows love to foreigners by helping them become more self-sufficient while living in Europe. “Many of the refugee ministries in Athens are day-centers, which can serve possibly hundreds of refugees daily with food, language classes, laundry rooms, etc. My primary ministry is a bit different,” she explains. “Our center is a place where families live and go through a holistic integration program, focusing on about 15 families at a time, who are with us for 1.5 years on average.”

Sacrificing their time and energy in serving the newly arrived families, Christian workers often get the unique privilege of building relationships and trust among the refugees. This opens windows of opportunity for sharing the Gospel. “While refugees are at different points on their physical journey, so it is with their spiritual journey,” Rachel says. “We can help them take the next step toward Christ. [In fact], we have seen refugees come to faith and be baptized!”

Though every salvation is celebratory, the seeds that have been planted can also bring much inspiration. “One Syrian family with two small children was with us for about a year,” Rachel starts. “They were not believers but were part of our church integration program. The father showed up on a Sunday morning as their family was preparing to leave. He told our pastor, ‘We’re really grateful for the help and love you have shown to us Muslims. I didn’t become a Christian here, but you know something? I will never teach my children to hate Christians the way I was raised to as a little boy.’”

Though many missionaries move to Europe expecting to share the Good News with local Europeans doors for new ways of serving have been opened, and people groups from outside the continent are now experiencing God’s love through His faithful workers. May we show God’s love to all who are in need and uplift these workers in prayer who are not only making Kingdom impact among the European people, but also among those from surrounding continents!

Pastoral and Professional Support for Missionaries

God’s calling will often draw people out of their comfort zones. When it sends them into entirely new and foreign lands, life can take on a whole new set of challenges. Though God equips those He calls and blesses those who are obedient, serving far from home in a different culture with an unfamiliar language – often in a spiritually dark climate – is not always easy.

“Even with pre-field training and letting people know how difficult it can be, it always seems to catch people by surprise,” Spiritual Life team director, Jonathan Bourbeau, says. “It takes leaving something behind and going into something new; there’s a dying and a coming alive, but that process is stressful and not easy.”

The goal for workers of Greater Europe Mission is to reach and disciple others, but when locals aren’t receptive to the Gospel and the workers aren’t seeing the results they’ve been praying for, burnout becomes a real possibility. “Burnout happens a lot. It happened to myself and my wife,” Jonathan remembers. “We weren’t sure what to do. Then, a colleague was very gracious to have [qualified] people walk alongside us.”

Scripture is clear on the importance of community and coming alongside each other for encouragement, help, carrying one another’s burdens, sharpening, and building each other up. For the missionary verging on burnout, questioning their call, or distracted with homesickness, help is essential.

GEM has recognized the importance of supporting its missionaries and has set up a resource of pastoral and professional care within the organization for this very purpose. Made up of GEM’s previously existing Member Care and Spiritual Life Team, GEM Wellness offers specialized support to help GEM workers and their families flourish spiritually, mentally, emotionally, physically, and relationally. Take for instance the Nichol family, who in a time a need, received the necessary tools and support from GEM Wellness to joyfully and effectively continue God’s work. To listen to their story, click here.

To ensure missionaries are serving in healthy ways, GEM Wellness has developed strategic teams to cater to the whole person:

  • GEM-K team: Its aim is to create a safe space for teenagers to develop into spiritually and emotionally healthy adults who have personally experienced the transforming work of Jesus in their lives.
  • Counselor team: A team of educated and qualified counselors to help missionaries address mental, emotional, and relational trials.
  • Mission Pastors team: A group who proactively engages in caring for and supporting missionaries through calls, visits, and hosting within their own homes.
  • Connecting Hearts team: A women’s ministry that focuses on connecting women to God, themselves, and others through annual retreats that allow women within GEM to meet together, connect, and learn from prayerfully prepared content.
  • Sending Entity Member Care team: This team is responsible for assessing the mental and emotional readiness of individuals and couples wanting to join GEM. They also offer a retreat to care for missionaries after each term of service. 
  • Spiritual Life team: Their mission is to foster a culture that embraces and responds to God’s interactive presence which transforms lives, relationships, and ministries.
  • Healthy Living team: Their goal is to encourage and equip missionaries to live as embodied followers of Jesus by implementing healthy lifestyle habits for the physical body.

Many people turn to counseling at the eleventh hour, after things have gotten so bad that they’re left feeling defeated, but GEM has realized the importance of addressing this issue not just reactively, but also proactively. “Investing in people at the front end is important for their growth and development,” Jonathan insists, “especially for the transformative life that will have an impact.” If we want our missionaries to be effective, it’s vital that they remain healthy through all seasons of life.

GEM doesn’t leave missionaries to do God’s work alone. Available for those anticipating hardships or actively experiencing them, GEM Wellness is passionate about providing proper support for all, knowing that through this, missionaries will be equipped to be impactful and effective in their ministries.

Let’s continue to support our missionaries! Why not reach out to one you know now? It might bring them more encouragement than you realize.

If mission work has been on your heart and you’re looking for an organization that truly cares for you and wants you to thrive on the field, consider connecting with us by clicking here.

Celebrating and Reflecting on Easter in Greece

Adrian couldn’t wait for the end of the week. The excitement of Easter always delighted him, and he relished all its festive celebrations. Painting hard-boiled eggs red on the Thursday before Easter has been one of his favourite memories of the holiday, and this year his friend Andrew would join him and his family. The best part? Breaking the eggs on Sunday! Perhaps this year Adrian will have the strongest egg of all…

This time of the year, children in Greece, like Adrian, are blessed to have two weeks off school to honour this important holiday. In fact, it’s the biggest Christian holiday of the year for the Greeks and is oozing with traditions – some of which start weeks before the holiday is even celebrated.

For instance, the devout Orthodox start their traditions early with forty days of lent – fasting specifically from red meats, meat by-products, and fish with backbones – which begins on Clean Monday, a day where you’ll notice an abundance of airborne kites. Additionally, at this time you may notice some households yielding a seven-legged woman shaped out of salty dough, whose legs are individually broken off in each of the preceding weeks before Easter.

Symbolism is key, and Greece’s unique Easter eggs are a notable example. Dyed typically on Holy Thursday, these hard-boiled eggs are dyed red to symbolize the blood of Christ shed on the cross, while the hard shell represents the sealed tomb of Jesus which will be ‘cracked’ open on Easter Sunday.

The delightful aroma of sweet bread began to waft throughout the house as Adrian and Andrew finished cleaning the red dye off their hands. His mom was busy in the kitchen preparing for the weekend, and although she said the bread was to be saved for Sunday, Adrian couldn’t wait to have a taste!

The often-braided sweet bread, also known as tsoureki, is an important Easter staple that contains the distinctive flavourings of citrus and mahlab. Presented with a dyed-red egg baked onto the top, it’s the perfect way to break the fast that many had been on in preparation for Easter.

Interesting how one can go from hopeful preparation to bittersweet sadness in just a day’s time, Adrian thought. With his family by his side at church, he watched solemnly as the epitaph – a depiction of Christ’s lifeless body in its tomb – was approached and kissed by all congregants. Sadness filled the air on this Friday, and the sound of beautiful, yet mournful chants and hymns filled Adrian’s chest with emotion. 

After a period of waiting, locals meet once again for the liturgy on Saturday evening.

With Christ’s resurrection believed to have happened exactly as Saturday becomes Sunday, midnight, the whole village or city will gather, after a very late church service, to light candles representing the Light of the world coming forth from the tomb. Sorrow turns into joy. Fireworks often light up the sky at midnight, followed by a breaking of the fast with soup made from the organs and intestines of the lamb they will be roasting the next day.

After visiting the church and eating a late bowl of soup, Adrian grabbed his dyed-red egg in preparation for its cracking. He locked eyes with his father, who held up his own red egg, then brought it down upon his dad’s, cracking it open in the process. Smiles wide throughout the room, Adrian and his family, together with countless other families across Greece, called out, “Christ is risen, He is risen indeed!”

Whether we celebrate with commemorative traditions or with quiet times of reverent reflection and worship, through the preparations, times of sorrow and of celebration, may we never forget the sacrifice and resulting hope that God has gifted us! 

Happy Easter!

*Thanks to Mark Doebler, currently serving in Greece, for your input!

Encouraging the Faith of Believers in France

France has a concerning shortage of healthy, operating churches. With only about 1% of France’s population truly following Jesus, finding a supportive Christian community can be difficult. What can we, an organization committed to spreading the Gospel and making disciples, do to provide the support that these local believers require?

One of the ways GEM has brought encouragement and support to Christians across France is through a camp called Camp des Cimes – also known as Camp of the Peaks. Located in the southeast part of the country, its mountainous landscape showcases God’s beauty in creation, allowing for a rejuvenating change of scenery for all its visitors.

Offering programs for people of all ages and interests, the main goal of the staff is to create a place where the lost can be saved and the found can be strengthened. This involves refreshing, encouraging, and displaying the Gospel. “People come from very troubled backgrounds to the camp… it really has become a refuge [for campers].” Pamela Konstant says. Having served at Camp of the Peaks for the past few years, she’s realized the importance of its ministry.

“The culture in France isn’t necessarily supportive [for Christians],” Pamela starts, “so when they come to the camp, it’s just totally different than how they’ve felt. They feel accepted and safe to bring up their problems and questions without feeling judged,” Pamela explains. “In many cases, the people who come to the camp will be the only Christian [in their community], and so the opportunity to connect with other believers and be strengthened to go back is a huge blessing.”

In fact, many believers who visit the camp often find themselves returning repeatedly. “It really is because of Camp of the Peaks that I ended up serving in France long-term,” Howard Moore, a now-retired GEMer, recalls. Having raised his three children in France and often visiting the camp, Howard has found that even his children were drawn back to it. “After moving back to Canada, my daughter made the decision to go back to Camp of the Peaks and minister there [as a missionary] long-term, which she did off-and-on for about eight years.”

Much of the appeal can be attributed to the camp’s friendly environment. “One of the camp’s strong points is its amazing atmosphere,” Pamela Konstant explains. “We get people who come time and time again because of the peace they feel.”

Adding to the allure of the camp is its range of activities, which include – but are not limited to – skiing, hiking, pottery, rock climbing, biking, and theater. Behind the fun and leisure, though, hides the beauty of the camp’s true purpose: “[The camp’s] philosophy is to get a good team of believers to work alongside [the campers],” Howard explains. “There’s an emphasis on discipleship work with the youth… developing solid relationships with them and seeking to break through into their thoughts about God.”

“[Seeing campers] come to a saving knowledge of Jesus and then start serving at the camp and serving at the church, and eventually getting married and starting families… the legacy of the camp is just incredible!” Pamela enthuses. “It’s just a wonderful opportunity for [new believers] to see that Christianity – that Jesus – makes a difference in lives, to the point where it’s visible.”

If you’ve been looking for an opportunity to serve in a beautiful setting alongside great people, Camp des Cimes may be the place for you! The camp is always looking for help of every kind, from cleaning to construction – even those with artistic abilities willing to lead a workshop are welcome! “If anybody has any skill whatsoever, we need them,” Pamela states.

Is there a role you can play in supporting the ongoing efforts in France? As global workers continue to encourage the faith of attending campers, will you pray with us for more labourers to be sent to help make a greater impact?

The Importance of Prayer Partnership in Missions

Have you ever wondered what it means to be a prayer partner for a missionary or ministry? Perhaps you’ve even wondered if prayer is an effective source of support?

We believe that none of our work will have eternal significance apart from prayer and our ministries are only effective with God’s help. It’s worth saying, however, that prayer doesn’t change things; prayer is calling on the God who changes things! And when we say that it’s God who changes things, we acknowledge two things. First, that our prayers aren’t incantations; prayer isn’t about saying things a particular way to get a particular response. As we pray ‘Thy will be done’ and draw near to the Lord through prayer, our hearts (and prayers) begin to shift and align with the heart and purposes of God. Second, that our Lord Jesus, the one true God, who knows what we need and loves us so much, invites us to call on His name.

Let’s consider what Scripture tells us. 1 John 5:14-15 reveals that we serve a God who not only wants to hear from us, but also respond to us. Romans 8:34, 1 John 2:1, and Hebrews 7:25 all reveal Christ’s role as our advocate, interceding on our behalf while at the right hand of God. Christ Himself demonstrates the value of intercession – and it is only through Him that our prayers can be heard and answered.

“We have the Spirit of the Intercessor, Christ Jesus, alive in our very bones. To not intercede and walk in His Way of Intercession, we are deliberately choosing to walk in our own strength rather than walking by the Spirit,” Leslie Hall says.

We spoke with Luke Baublet and Leslie, GEM workers in Europe, about how they prioritize prayer in their ministries. They understand that going directly to the Father is the most effective way to see meaningful impact within their work.

“Paul writes about bearing one another’s burdens,” Luke starts. “To me, intercession is the spiritual aspect of that.” As disciples sent out into the world to make more disciples, our missionaries meet many people, both believers and unbelievers, all needing prayer. Many European countries are spiritually dark, which can result in exhaustion or discouragement for the Christians within them.

“We get to have the joy and honour and heartache at times of interceding between the need and the fulfilment,” Luke explains. Having steadfast prayer from intercessors and prayer partners helps to shift the spiritual landscape, and really does make a difference!

Take for instance this testimony:

“We started something called 30 days of prayer for Berlin. As we came up with a list of 30 prayer points, one thing that we were all convinced of was the need for more faithful followers of Jesus in Berlin. [Soon after the 30 days], one of our colleagues with a different organization received two inquiries of people interested in serving in Berlin, and another had one inquiry. With GEM, we went from having a few people interested and only one couple raising support, to at least four couples or singles already on the field or raising funds to come and join us! This was an absolute answer to prayer,” Luke recognizes.

As God answers prayers, the resulting testimonies become spiritual weapons and sustenance. “In darker moments when we’re really struggling, we come back to the clear evidence that God is at work… and He is answering prayers,” Luke says.

Unfortunately, even with such evidence of answered prayer, we can still find ourselves stuck, or unmotivated in our prayer lives from time to time. “Have we taken our eyes off Jesus?” Luke challenges. “The answer is almost always ‘yes’.”

How do we then refocus? Leslie encourages: “Allow yourself to be consumed by the Lord, forsaking all things… in order to fully draw near to Him. Draw near to God and He will draw near to you. Make space for the Lord with no expectations and allow Him to show up. Growing in prayer is to fall deeper in love.”

The next time someone asks you to be a prayer partner, consider the spiritual importance of this request! Your prayers are effective, making way for God’s work to unfold in the darkest places, and most importantly, your own relationship with God will strengthen as you draw nearer to Him through prayer.

A Ukrainian Refugee Christmas Away from Home

Ten months ago, Russia began wreaking havoc in Ukraine, displacing many Ukrainians into surrounding countries and beyond. With emotions running high and uncertainty still in the air, this Christmas season will undoubtedly present its own set of significant and hard challenges and change. Together, let’s meet some of these brave refugees currently in Romania as they reveal how they’ll be embracing this year’s holiday season.

First, let’s meet Holly – a global worker currently serving in Craiova, Romania. She serves specifically in the refugee ministry, translating when needed and visiting regularly with the refugees. Listening to, praying for, and serving the Ukrainian refugees has built trust, making space for them to comfortably and openly share their unique outlooks on Christmas with Holly – and with us!

While it is true that some don’t even know which country they’ll be in come Christmas – never mind what they’ll do to celebrate – there are some, like Olga, Nastya, Marina, Liudmila, and Anna, who are considering their options and still plan to commemorate the holiday.

Olga, from Nikolaev, is presently in Romania with her son. With an aching soul and longing to be back home, she still plans to celebrate. “To keep up the traditions, to remember home and loved ones, we’re going to prepare the twelve dishes: Kutia from wheat, with poppy seeds, nuts, honey, raisins, prunes, and varenyky and cabbage rolls with bacon. It’s all shared with family, but this time it’s just me and my son. Of course, we’ll have a video call with relatives, but we [won’t] show them our table, because in Ukraine they won’t have what we have.”

Nastya, from Mariupol, shares what a typical Christmas once looked like: “We always cooked delicious food and chose which [Christmas] movie to watch. We watched the president’s address and lit sparklers at midnight.” She continues, “We don’t know how it will be this year, but we plan to celebrate… We’ll cook something delicious and maybe we’ll celebrate with the neighbours.”

Liudmila, also from Mariupol, says: “Before the war, I celebrated the New Year with my family at night. We cooked a lot of different foods, of course, watched on TV the congratulations from the president and New Year’s concerts. We gave gifts to relatives.” This year, with her granddaughter and great-grandson, she plans simply to go to church and have a meal at home on January 6th.

“We’ll celebrate with our family, with the children,” Marina, from Nikolaev, starts: “If it’s possible to have a Christmas tree, we’ll put some small presents under it… We’ll cook something tasty, better than our everyday food, and that’s how we’ll celebrate.” Alongside her sister, daughter, and two-year-old grandson, Marina continues: “Home is home. It’s sad, of course. It’s a joyful holiday, and we will have some kind of joy too, but a little bit of sadness also because it isn’t home.” 

“We’re here where it’s calm and quiet, but my heart and soul are still in Ukraine, where there is bombing and destruction, where life is no longer the way it was before. Everything is different now,” Olga somberly confesses. As a new believer, she continues: “I’m thankful to God for everything He does for me, that He holds me, shelters me, and protects me. I’m thankful to God for all the people [who have helped me].”

Anna sums up the hope of Christmas in the midst of conflict: “War, yes, it affects things. I’m not going to celebrate [the same way] this year, but Christmas is a glorious holiday — the star shone; Jesus was born… Of course, it will be different this year, but it’s not about the food or other things. It’s about the heart and what you think about God and how you worship Him.” Anna goes on to say: “I miss my brother, my church, my pastor, the sisters [in Christ] who have stayed even through the bombings… It’s a different place with different people, but the holiday is the same – still the most important thing.”

Those serving in the Romanian church endeavour to bless these displaced individuals this Christmas season. “We’re doing a few Christmas outreach activities with the refugees here in Craiova,” Holly explains. “One is a card making workshop, which will include a message from the Bible. A GEM colleague [will also be] providing Christmas gifts for all the refugee kids we work with. Lastly, we’re planning to hold a Russian language Christmas service for the refugees on January 6 – Orthodox Christmas – that will hopefully include some small gift bags for the attending families.”

Although their hearts are with their homes in Ukraine, it is heartwarming to hear that many still plan to celebrate, and that there are people in position to offer them a little more cheer this holiday season. Please pray that Ukrainian refugees will embrace the hope of Jesus as they mark Christmas this year. May you also experience the hope and joy that Christmas brings and help spread it to those who may need it. Merry Christmas!

*Some names have been changed for privacy.

Teaching English as a Ministry Tool for the Gospel

Global workers Peggy and Heather are two of many who serve in a continually sought after, globally relevant, and always needed vocation – education. With the consistent rise in immigrants, tourists, and general movement of expats, there comes an equal rise in the need for language learning.

Learning a language takes time and often requires the prolonged company of both teachers and fellow students. The communal nature of language learning provides opportunities for networking, forming relationships, and having deeper conversations outside of the classroom. For those yearning to share God’s love with others, this is an ideal environment with many chances to talk with people who need the hope that Jesus offers.

Peggy Winford volunteers alongside a team of English teachers in a continuing education course. “[The relaxed nature of this conversation group] is very well received by the Germans,” Peggy notes, adding that there are students who have enjoyed its friendly atmosphere for longer than her five years of involvement! “It’s a couple hours a week, so it’s not a driving force, but it’s a fun and great way for us to connect with Germans – it’s almost like a club.”

Finding creative ways to share the Gospel in this conversation group has not always been easy. “Many of the students either have no interest in Christianity or already think they are Christian because they were baptized as a baby, so we are very careful how we share our faith,” Peggy explains. “We’ve watched GEMstone media’s film The Kingdom, using it as a discussion piece; and with some students, we’ve watched part of the Alpha course together outside of the classroom.” As relationships continue to develop, Peggy and her colleagues continue to pursue creative ways to share their faith.

Heather Bachman has children in her English-learning student body, offering a different experience in the realm of teaching. Though the local elementary school where Heather teaches offers a more structured environment, there’s no shortage of opportunities to share the Gospel with her students. “I teach in a Christian setting, but the students are not primarily Christians,” she explains. “It’s amazing, though, because that means I am able to openly talk to them about Jesus, pray with them, tell them how much He loves them, and hopefully touch their hearts with the Gospel.”

In addition to teaching in the classroom, Heather also brings her instruction – and faith – to the school gym. “We talk about faith regularly with my basketball team and pray at every practice,” Heather revels. She’s also introduced a devotional for the pre-teen girls, piquing the players’ curiosity about Jesus. “I love when they ask questions, because that means they are really thinking about what they’ve heard,” Heather says. “Having grown up in a Christian home, it still surprises me to hear questions like: ‘Who is David?’”

Whatever the setting, there’s no doubt that education is a wonderful way to make an impact. “We are teaching English to build relationships,” Peggy says, stating that the classes allow for connections to be made on a more personal level.

“I pray every time I drive to the school that I will remember the main purpose behind why I am there. It’s not just to teach the kids English, it is to share the love of Jesus with them,” Heather states.

We want to take a moment to acknowledge those who use their gift of teaching as a form of ministry, especially across Europe. It’s not always an easy task! Let’s pray for wisdom as they teach, endurance for when it gets hard, and spiritual impact to be made within the student body.

Short-term Mission Opportunities In Europe for Young Adults

“The harvest is plentiful, but the labourers are few; therefore plead with the Lord of the harvest to send out labourers into His harvest.” – Luke 10:2

If you’re familiar with Greater Europe Mission, you likely know that each day at 10:02 we do just as this verse requests – we ask the Lord to send out labourers into His harvest. Each year, the Lord answers this prayer! Teams of fresh, short-term workers eager to fulfill this mandate are sent throughout Europe to assist established missionaries in spreading the Gospel. GEM’s Ten2 Project creates impact, both in those who are sent and those receiving them.

Hannah Norton, a Canadian hairdresser, was one of the eighty-four Ten2 participants serving in Europe through the summer of 2022. Her experience began with initial training in France with the entire team, but eventually landed her in Frankfurt, Germany where she spent most of her summer in language training and ministry. “You experience what a long-term missionary goes through in their first year, because you need to learn the language and put yourself in the culture and connect with a church,” Hannah says. “You have to come with an open heart and an open mind.”

Jesse Pauly, a full-time worker in Italy who oversaw six Ten2 workers over the summer, agrees. “Our two major intentions for the summer were to give our missionaries a realistic experience of what our lives and ministry look like during the summer and for them to help us make more connections with the people in our neighbourhoods.”

Germany and Italy were just two of ten countries throughout Europe impacted by the Ten2 Project this past summer. The college-aged participants sacrificed their summers to share the Gospel with a spiritually hungry continent. “It encouraged us greatly to see the boldness of these missionaries, watching them dive into the ministry and take initiative in talking to people regardless of any language barrier,” Jesse says.

“Ten2 was challenging,” Hannah remembers. “They get you out of so many different comfort zones. I’ve been on mission trips before, but this was different.” With days filled with language training, ministry, outreach, and volunteering, there is so much that takes place in only eight weeks.

Hannah’s days were filled from Tuesday to Sunday with an emphasis on speaking with university students on campuses. She learned how to effectively speak with non-believers and introduce the Gospel in an unintimidating way. One of her favourite moments was speaking with a Muslim girl about the Lord. “She had felt like there was a void in her life, like there was something that was missing, and no one could fill it,” Hannah recalls. Being able to point this girl to the Lord was a moment Hannah will always cherish.

Looking back on a fruitful summer, it’s clear that those involved will remain impacted. “I’ve realized missions is your life. You don’t have to go overseas to do missions,” Hannah states. “[But] I’d love to go back and do [Ten2 Project] again!”

“Having the Ten2 participants this summer was refreshing, encouraging, and fruitful,” Jesse remarks. “We’ve made countless new contacts, and two different Bible studies have been started as a result of this summer! We are looking forward to seeing more of the fruit from the seeds they planted.”

To see further impact in what has already started in Europe, would you pray with us that the Lord would continue to send more labourers into His harvest? Perhaps you’re a young adult with a passion to see Europe reached. Would you consider giving a summer to help us reach the lost? For more information, visit:

Serving Missionally in Administrative Capacities

Mission work isn’t always easy to spot. Sometimes we need to look a little closer, even behind-the-scenes, to see the work that’s being done. Administrative work is much like this. We don’t always know the person who is making an impact, but their work is no less important!

In a mission organization like GEM, there is great need for planning, strategizing, and having structure to operate smoothly. With careful planning, missionaries who are sent out can focus on their tasks without the distraction of confusing paperwork, finances, or other logistics that can feel overwhelming.

People like Shirley, Chris, and Anna work behind-the-scenes to lighten the load of their fellow missionaries and help the agency grow in unique ways. There’s no doubt that administrators play a vital role in the spread of the Gospel. “I think the idea of the mission field just needing theologians and Bible teachers is an outdated notion,” Chris states. Whatever skill set God has blessed you with, whether it be in administration or otherwise, there is always room to serve uniquely with your individual expertise. God will use what He’s gifted you with for His glory!

Shirley, now serving in Canada, uses her expertise to help prepare short-term missionaries for their oversea trips with GEM Teams. Chris, serving in Germany, holds several roles including CFO for GEM US and GEM International and chairperson of GEM Germany’s board. Anna, also serving in Germany alongside Chris, helps however she can logistically to ease the workload of her fellow GEM workers.

With the help of admins like these three, GEM has been able to function smoothly and with clarity, showcasing a level of excellence that echoes the Lord’s example of order.

It is through their work that we can confidently donate toward the relief of Ukrainian refugees, knowing our funds are being utilized appropriately. Events like GEM’s Annual Conference can exist to refresh and encourage drained mission workers with the help of detail-oriented people. With help, those feeling God’s call to serve in a foreign land can do so without feeling overwhelmed by the process of getting there. It is through these faithful workers that the expansion of God’s Kingdom is even more attainable!

Their work doesn’t stop at the end of their spreadsheets, though. Knowing they’ve been called to their specific countries for a reason, they’ve intentionally been stepping beyond their desks to impact their communities. “We’re always trying to witness and be in community with our [unsaved] neighbours,” Chris admits, adding that he’s led small groups with students from a local school, and has found involvement in jiu jitsu an ideal avenue for outreach.

“There are things I’m involved in within the community that I see as ministry,” Anna comments, mentioning her involvement with a choir. “I was having trouble getting connected with my church [in Germany]. There’s a lot of crossover between the [choir] and the church, so [joining the choir] has helped me to have some inroads and get more connected there.”

Aside from serving her family while in Canada, Shirley’s pastoral heart shines through as she regularly connects with those in her congregation that haven’t been able to attend church. Within GEM, she helps however she can, which sometimes means leaving the country: “I sometimes go on trips with Teams – about once a year – to help out.”

Each person, with their own giftings and unique purposes, have distinct opportunities to serve the Lord and further His Kingdom. The next time you’re introduced to an individual preparing to serve missionally in an administrative capacity, consider the huge impact they will make! And not just in their field of expertise, but as Christ-carriers within their community!

Living Out the Great Commission in Community

British Pastor Joel is all too familiar with the state of the Church in the UK. Born and raised in the region, he currently leads a local Baptist church situated right on the border of London and Kent. Watching churches both wither and grow over the years, he has noticed what the Church most needs to thrive – and you’ll find that it’s really not that complicated!

“I’ve been [in this church] for seven years. The church was [initially] quite small and in a weak state, but over a three-year period we have effectively re-planted it,” Joel remarks, noting that after five years it was strong enough to withstand the global pandemic. In addition to the success of his current church’s re-plant, Joel is now boldly endeavouring to help re-plant a second church.

Hearing of successful church plants and growth within established churches should excite us! With only about 4% of the UK’s population living as Christians, we rejoice when there’s growth in the Kingdom of God. Joel shares the hard truth that Christendom has been on the decline in the UK. But there’s a way to change that: “If there are less Christians, the only way to create more Christians is to tell people about Jesus!”

Unfortunately, not all believers grasp the simplicity of God’s plan. “So many Christians are [instead] getting together and they’re praying for revival – which is a great starting point – but we’re praying that God would do what He asked us to do. Jesus died for this plan! The only thing He asked us to do is tell people.” Joel further explains, “It takes a whole village to raise a child, and isn’t that just what the Church is? You can’t lead someone to Christ on your own, you need your brothers and sisters with you.”

With the importance of community in mind, Joel is passionate about seeing people, not only come to Christ, but to continue to walk the good walk of faith. “I think Jesus counts sheep and I think that’s what pastors are meant to do; we’re meant to count and if someone is missing then we go find them.” With the pandemic affecting church attendance and the ability to fellowship, Joel has noticed some believers still preferring to watch church services from the comfort of their own homes. Joel explains: “You can’t do fellowship by yourself. Church was never intended to be a solo pursuit. It was never something you can live out or do on your own.”

As churches encourage people to attend services in person and enjoy fellowship face-to-face with others, it’s an opportune time for those churches to rise to their fullest potential. “[God says] love Me, love one another, and He asks us to do one thing – go and make disciples. How complicated is that? [I think] a simple plan done consistently, faithfully, and excellently would [not only] work, but would make an amazing testimony, to be able to say ‘God made a promise, and we just did our part. God did the rest.’ That’s what revival looks like.”

As we begin to walk in the simplicity of God’s plan, we can be content in knowing the rest is in His hands. “Faithfulness looks like putting one foot in front of the other and just making some good, old-fashioned plodding – one step, then another step. Then three to five years down the line, you’ve got something that’s exciting! Five to ten years down the line, you’ve got something even more exciting – it’s just about being consistent and faithful.”

As God does His part and as we pay attention, we’ll notice that He’s always doing incredible things! And if we’re faithful to do our part, then we’ll more likely see the revival we so desire to see.

“Then Jesus came to them and said, ‘All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age,’” (Matthew 28:18-20, NIV).