You Can Help Us Grow the Work
The work of discipling all peoples of Europe by GEM missionaries is only possible through partnership with people like you! By giving to a person or project, you become a crucial part of the incredible work God is already doing of expanding His Kingdom through all peoples of Europe to the world.
Thank you for joining us on mission!
Ways to Donate
Donate By Mail
Greater Europe Mission
PO Box 82540, Ritson Centre
Oshawa, Ontario L1G 7W7
Donate Online
Donate By Phone
(866) 241-3579
“For they went out for the sake of the Name, accepting nothing from the [unbelievers]. Therefore we ought to support such people, so that we may prove to be fellow workers with the truth.”
3 John 1:7-8, NASB
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Our Stewardship Policy
Contributions for which official receipts are issued are fully under the control of Greater Europe Mission and, where appropriate, may be reported for income tax purposes. Each gift designated toward an approved program or project, will be used for that program or project unless the program or project cannot be carried out for reasons beyond the control of the Mission. The donor hereby agrees that when any given need or project has been met, or when a program or project cannot be carried out, gifts designated for such purposes will be used where most needed. The Mission strives for financial integrity and fully meets the standards of the Canadian Council of Christian Charities and Missio Nexus. Our financial statement is audited annually and is available upon request.